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The Tempest: A Guy of Gisborne Story Page 7

A scuffle on the floor behind him made Guy scowl, for he knew it wasn’t Cassia, who had stepped outside to send to something.

  It was her father, who seemed to become more surly towards him with each passing day. Robert wanted him away, and wasn’t shy about expressing his wishes, even if it wasn’t said in so many words. The few words he did say were brief and to the point, spoken at times with a bit of a harsh overtone. And though he’d ignored it at first, Guy was beginning to grow a bit tired of the old man’s disrespectful attitude. Robert DeWarren, after all, was only a commoner. He watched as the old man brought in a plate of bread and cheese. As he pulled a small table near Guy’s chair, placing the tray of food on it, Guy could see the man’s slight scowl of displeasure. But being in an almost agreeable mood, thanks to pleasurable thoughts about Cassia, Guy disregarded the air of contempt. Glancing at Robert, he let out a deep breath, speaking silently to himself.

  You and your daughter brought me here. Now you must contend with me whether it pleases you or not.

  “I want a cup of wine. Fetch me some.”

  Robert looked up, his eyes darting in confusion at the sudden demand. “I am sorry, my lord Gisborne. We have no more wine to speak of.”

  Guy snorted in displeasure. Then a thought came to him…a perfect way to remove Robert not only from his presence for a time, but from the house altogether. With that bit of distraction removed for a while, Cassia would have to stay nearby, should he need anything…and the thought of that made him quite pleased. But he kept his tone sharp in speaking to Robert, who had turned to leave.

  “Where are my things? The ones you took from me when you brought me here?”

  “In a trunk, my lord. For safekeeping.”

  “Fetch me the purse that was on my belt. Unless you have stolen it and pocketed the contents.”

  Robert looked nervous, as if expecting to be accused of treachery whatever his response should be. Still he answered.

  “No, Sir Guy, it was not touched.”

  “Then go and get it, and make haste.”

  Robert nodded slightly, leaving the room. When he returned, he held the velvet bag out to Guy, who pushed it back to him.

  “Take it into the village and purchase the wine. What remains, you may keep, so long as you do not speak of my generosity. It will be your neck if you do.”

  Looking skeptical, Robert remained rooted to where he stood…until Guy glared at him, growing impatient with the old man’s seeming dumbness.

  “What are you waiting for? Be gone.”

  A moment passed, and Robert reluctantly went. Donning his cloak, he made for the door just as it opened, and Cassia nearly ran right into him. Guy watched father and daughter, seeing the concern in Cassia’s expression. Worry over her father‘s troubled expression, or worry that he was in traveling garb, seemingly leaving her on her own?

  “Father, where are you off to?”

  Robert tightened the collar of his cloak. “The village, daughter. I must go to market.”

  “But there is a chill in the air. Can it not wait?”

  “It is a sunny spring morning. I will be well.” He reached out and gave her cheek a gentle pat, turning to go. But she touched his arm, stopping him.

  “Wait, father, before you go. May I have a word?”

  Guy watched them, and hearing that they would speak in private, he wondered what Cassia was up to. Straining his ears to listen, he caught only a few words, but it was enough for him to decipher that she didn’t want to be left alone with him. The revelation of her concern made him smirk.

  Apprehensive about being alone with me, are you Cassia? As well you should be. And you well know why. You fear your own weakness.

  When Robert left, Guy looked at Cassia, who stood in the doorway with her arms folded. She glared at him, but he only smirked at her.

  “All alone, are we? Hmmm. I wonder what we shall do to pass the time?”

  Cassia’s answer was fast and firm. “Sleep, Sir Guy. And you will do so alone, as will I.”

  He clucked his tongue at her, wagging his head. Reaching for a hunk of bread, he brought it to his mouth and chewed it slowly, never taking his eyes from her. “Would you like to share a meal with me, Cassia? There is plenty here for two.”

  She shook her head. “No, I would not. I am tired, not hungry.”

  She was a stubborn little thing…he had to give her that. And the struggle she was putting up was becoming more amusing by the minute. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been so entertained.

  “There is room in my bed, you know. Although sleeping is not exactly what I had in mind.”

  Her eyes narrowed at his insinuation.

  “You are nauseating. I will find ample rest in the barn loft, thank you. And now that you can move about somewhat, you can manage alone for a small amount of time. I am in great need of sleep after sitting with you all night.”

  He gave an exaggerated sigh, shaking his head again. “You would rather lie with vermin than with me?”

  She raised an eyebrow at him, and he knew she was about to give one of her pointed remarks. She did not disappoint.

  “Vermin in the hay, vermin in the hou. One is no different than the other. Except that the ones in the barn do not speak.”

  He only chuckled at her jibe as he watched her go. It wouldn’t be long before she was back. She couldn’t remain out of doors forever. And in the meantime, he did indeed find himself growing heavy-eyed. Finishing his meal, he took up his crutches and made his way back to bed. Lying back on the pillows, he smiled to himself. After a good bit of sleep, he would be able to think clearly. Then he would be able to decipher what the next move in this game would be.


  Later that afternoon as he woke, he sensed a presence in the room. He smiled slightly and mumbled, his voice still sleepy.

  “You could not stay away, could you?”

  He rolled over to face her, feeling a stirring in his senses…and he might as well have been doused with cold water.

  “Who the devil are you?” he demanded, looking upon the dour face and large frame of an old woman…and an ugly one at that. She was so thin of hair he could see her scalp in places. Her nose was long and pointed…and her thick-fingered hands were planted on her hips as she looked down at him.

  “Hello, you scrawny, smelly little booby. You may call Sophie, if you choose to give me my name, though I am certain you will call me much worse before the day is out.” She wrinkled her nose at him, looking quite displeased. “No wonder Mistress Cassia wants naught to do with you in this state. She’s beseeched me to clean you up proper. And seeing how she saved me and mine from a grave sickness last spring, I believe I must return the favor. So come on now. Up with you.”

  She reached for him, but he smacked her hand away.

  “Crone! Do not lay a finger on me!”

  His hope of scaring her off was useless. He knew it by the way she rolled her eyes dismissively.

  “Oh belay your bellowing. My husband was hands taller than you and twice as strong, and I handled him many a time. You smell like a pig in its pen. So it might be proper to hog tie you if the occasion calls for it. Or you can consent peacefully. Make up your mind, and fast.”

  He stared up at her. And while he considered what his course of action should be, he thought to himself…

  Cassia will soon pay the price for this humiliation.

  Of that he vowed to be certain. But at the moment, it was this hideous old witch he had to contend with. She was standing there, hands on hips. And he knew he could either consent, or be trussed up like a Christmas goose.

  At the foot of the bed was a small empty tub, towels spread on the floor around it. A large buckeater sat beside it, and a stool. Using his crutches, he hobbled over to the stool and sank onto it, and he hardly had time to sit before she pushed his head down so he was leaning over the tub. Scooping up a gourd full of water from a bucket, she doused his head thoroughly. It reminded him of another dunking he’d receive
d…a deliberate, dirty trick that had been played on him.

  Wait until I get my hands on that woman, he thought.

  Rough fingers lathered soap through his hair and harshly worked his scalp, which in all honesty, was rather pleasing to feel. Not that he would dare admit that to the old woman who was doing the work. She doused his head again with the water, rinsing away the soap, and he had to admit that it felt quite good to have the grime washed away.

  “Remove your clothes now, so we can wash the rest of you. And do not be telling me of how you cannot be seen in the flesh. I have had a husband and sons, and my eyes seen many a grown man’s naked rump. You have nothing to impress me with.”

  He pulled his shirt over his head and removed his trousers, tossing them aside. He felt his face growing red with shame under her gaze, but she didn’t seem to take notice of it. She continued ordering him to action.

  “Put your good foot in the tub and stand up.”

  He gave her an odd look, but felt it best not to argue with her. She came to him, helping him to stand.

  “Standing so will catch the water.” She gave him one of his crutches to lean on for support while she doused him with water, and handed him a soapy rag. Allowing him a small bit of privacy, she turned her back to let him scrub himself.

  “Wash yourself good,” she instructed. “Unless you want me to come and do it for you.”

  He did as she said and fast, wanting to be done with this humiliation as quickly as possible.

  Grumbling at her that he’d finished, she turned and doused him with water a final time. Then she came to him with a towel. He felt a bit like a child as she vigorously rubbed his hair dry and wrapped another towel around his waist. Helping him back to the bed, she threw a clean shirt and a pair of breeches at him.

  “Here. Dress yourself with these until your others are washed. At least the smell has been taken off of you.”

  She left him at last. He was glad to be clean…but it was the least of his thoughts.

  When he saw Cassia again, she wasn’t going to get away. She would get what she deserved for this trickery. And he was going to enjoy every moment of it.


  Peeking around the corner, covered in shadow, Cassia watched the scene unfold. When she’d spoken to her father, she had asked him to visit Sophie on his way to Nottingham. She’d beseeched him to send their ofriend to the house, knowing that Guy would be no match for one as headstrong as she. The thought that she would knock him about a bit, figuratively speaking, was too much to resist. Cassia wasn’t so concerned about his seeking revenge, though she was certain he would plot something. It was her hope that he would be so outraged that he wouldn’t even want to look at her, much less be in the same room with her.

  Watching, she had to place her hand over her mouth to stifle a giggle as Sophie ordered Guy about as if he were one of her sons. Only she would have had the nerve to do such a thing. Cassia smiled at the sour expression on Gisborne’s face as he submitted to having his head scrubbed and washed. He looked like a fussing child as he was tended to.

  Serves him right, she thought with glee. Arrogant fool.

  Clearly, he didn’t enjoy Sophie’s company or her attentions, but what choice did he have except to endure them? If she could trust that he would behave himself, she would have gladly been the one to assist him. Particularly, when she saw what occurred next…and her smirk slowly changed to an expression of awe and wonder.

  He removed his clothes, and as he cautiously stood, she looked upon his full male splendor for the first time. Though her face flushed crimson, she could not look away. The time he’d spent lying sedentary had obviously not done him much harm. He was such a picture of masculine beauty, lean and muscular from head to foot. And with the water sluicing down his body, he was temptation incarnate. She could only recall glimpses of her husband’s nudity, as she’d hardly had time to commit him to memory. They’d lain together only a few times, for he’d been more concerned with preparing himself for the pilgrimage to the Holy Land. He’d spent most nights out in the fields, working and training, leaving her alone in a lonely bed. Now, looking at the luscious form of Guy of Gisborne, it was hard to recall much of anything regarding her husband, particularly when Guy turned just slightly, giving her a good view of his splendid backside. Good God, what a fine thing it was to behold, especially with the water dripping off of it. Taking a slight step back, closing her eyes, she had to take a breath to calm her beating heart. But in a moment her eye was back to where it had been, and she was slightly disappointed to see he now had a towel wrapped around his waist. But all the same, the view of his well-chiseled abdomen and toned arms was a good feast for the eyes.

  Sophie suddenly came into view, and Cassia took a step back. The interruption of her line of sight brought her back to her senses a bit, and she realized it was probably not wise to remain where she was. What if her father caught her watching? Worse, what if Guy caught her spying? Oh good Lord, he would never let her hear the end of it. Her face burned with shame at the thought of what he might do, and she quickly slipped away before anyone could see her there.


  “You should have let the beast drown.”

  Cassia looked up from the kneading of her bread dough to see Sophie coming out of the room. To her friend’s comment, she just shook her head and smiled.

  “T’would not have been right, even if he isthe most difficult of men.”

  Sophie balked loudly. “Difficult hardly describes the likes of him. You would find a wolf more agreeable than that one. He says he wants no one to disturb him. He sulks like a child, and if I were you I would leave him to it for as long as possible.”

  Cassia couldn’t help but smile at the suggestion, nodding her head in agreement.

  “I will. And Father will be home from Nottingham soon, so I do not fear being alone for long.”

  They talked for some time, exchanging smiles and laughs, until the sudden noise of the geese squawking alerted them to a presence outside. Cassia glanced towards the sound, then back to Sophie.

  “That must be Father. Thank you Sophie, for your help. I think you served him with a proper bit of humiliation, just as he deserves. Smug devil.”

  “A fine looking devil, though,” Sophie replied. “From every angle.”

  “Sophie!” Cassia’s face went crimson, but she couldn’t help smiling. As she walked her friend to the door, Robert came in with two wine jugs. He looked at Cassia with slight concern.

  “Was there any trouble to be had whilst I was away?”

  Cassia shook her head. “Nothing to fear, Father. Sophie saw to my guardianship while you were gone. And I daresay she took good care of our guest.”

  Robert nodded, his expression calmer now. Sophie nodded in return, making her farewell.

  “I must be on my way. Good day to you both. And if you shall require my help again soon, you know where I can be found.”

  They watched her go. Then Cassia turned to her father.

  “It was well I thought to bring her here this morning. Sir Guy is not at all pleased by his encounter with her, but it will serve us both well, for he is adamant now about being left alone. So you will not need to remain with him all day.”

  He shook his head in approval. “That is fine for me. I have much to do in the yard.”

  “See to it then. I will be well here, making bread. If I have need of you, I shall let you know.” She leaned and kissed him on the cheek, sending him on his way. Then she turned back to the table where her flour dough waited. As she pressed her knuckles into the dough, her thoughts turned to what Sophie had said.

  A fine looking devil, from any angle.

  It made her smile to think of that declaration. He was very fine, and he certainly could be a devil. But he had his rare moments of pleasantness, as was proved by the few small compliments he’d given, and the slight smiles he somehow managed. If only he was that way more often, he would be near perfection, at least in her eyes. Thinkin
g of him, remembering the sight of his beautiful male figure, she felt her face flush a little. And for some strange reason, she had a momentary thought of Marian, if only to shake her head in dismay.

  You were a fool to let such a splendid piece of manhood get away. Even if his temper is not always so agreeable, I am certain he could make up for it in many ways. Delightful, sinful ways.

  Shaking her head at her shameful thoughts, she turned to fetch a pitcher of water…and cried out in great surprise to see Guy standing beside her. She took a step back, her hand held over her heart.

  “Sir Guy! You gave me a fright!” She took a small step back, taking a deep breath as she tried to compose herself. “What are you doing up? Sophie said you wished to be alone.”

  Looking up at him, she saw his familiar smirk. But there was something more there. Something that troubled her, making her take another step back, for his look was that of a wolf eying its prey. That was when she noticed he wasn’t using his crutches.

  “You should not be putting all of your weight on that foot. It is too soon.” It wasn’t concern for his health that prompted her question. It was the intent she saw in his eyes, in his very movement. Even as she saw clearly that his foot caused him pain, it was evident that he didn’t care if he injured himself further. He moved closer, his movements predatory.

  “Did anyone ever tell you that you speak too much? You are a woman. You should be seen and not heard. Maybe I can find a better use for such a bold mouth.”

  Her eyes grew wide as she realized his intention. She took another step back, but he moved towards her. Going around him was impossible, for the table stood to one side of him and the wall was to his other side…and the door was behind him. Her only means of escape was to take a few more steps back and get around the other side of the table. She made a dash to put the piece of furniture between them.

  But he reached out with a fast hand and got a hold of her apron strings. She squealed as he yanked her back, and a moment later she was pressed against the wall, her heart beating madly as he put his hands on both sides of her head.